Healing Process
The healing process of a tattoo varies from person to person, this will all depend on how your body heals and how well you follow instructions. Below we have created a free downloadable PDF with steps for you to follow when taking off your bandage and how to make sure you are caring for your tattoo in the best way.
Special Attention
Things to avoid while healing a tattoo
Do not go swimming, take baths or use hot tubs
Do not go tanning or put tanning lotion, oils, or aloe vera gel products on
Do not let other people or animals touch the tattoo (keeping fur and bacteria off of it)
Do not work out or get excessively sweaty
Avoid dirty places or situations including gyms, dusty areas, concerts etc.
You want to keep the tattoo clean and free of bacteria.
Do not pick or scratch your tattoo
For more, please download our free guide here.